Here are a selection of our frequently asked questions. If you have a question not listed – please reach out to us via phone or social media.
Consistent results
Please contact our reception on the clinic number (found in the contact us section, clicking the button in the header) or via any of our Social Media accounts. Unfortunately, we do not have a self-booking service as each appointment and relevant timings are tailored to individual needs.
First appointments last approximately 90 minutes and we go through your current routine, what issues you may have and what changes you would like to see. We also discuss skin physiology and anatomy to explain why and how certain products and treatments work and why others don’t. We also give you a full skin analysis and advise of any changes you can make to optimise skin health, efficiency and cellular function. These consultations are at the forefront of our client journeys and how we achieve consistent results.
Unfortunately, being a small independent business with a waiting list of sometimes up to 6 weeks, every no show or last-minute cancellation can have catastrophic consequences. With this in mind, by paying a small deposit (which will be deducted off your treatment cost) ensures we are able to provide the same exceptional service you have come to know and love!
When you book your first appointment with us, everybody is treated to the same protocols, whether you are new to skin health and care or already in the medical field. At Advanced Skin, we pride ourselves on honesty, results and education; that skin health should be accessible for all (not just the elite) and we genuinely invest in our patients and their skin journey. With this in mind, all new patients must have a consultation before having a treatment as this is to ensure any treatments performed are correct for your skin type, issues and future goals.
NO! Our body hair whether vellus (the peach fuzz) or terminal (the thicker hair found on legs and underarms) is genetically predetermined. You cannot change the colour, thickness or length of hair by removing the hair – it is physiologically impossible!
You also wont notice vellus hair growing back and this is because it is so thin, it can’t create ‘stubble’.
No. A Home dermaplaning tool is essentially a facial shaver and whilst it will remove the vellus hair, it doesn’t provide any other additional benefits. A Clinical Dermaplaning treatment is a manual exfoliation treatment designed to remove the uppermost layers (the stratum corneum) of the epidermis. This ensures dead skin cells are removed and the cellular turnover is able to work efficiently.
You also wont notice vellus hair growing back and this is because it is so thin, it can’t create ‘stubble’.
It depends on what treatments you have and what your goals are. Our skin’s natural cycle is 28 days, so skin health will often change over that time period with the correct care. However, some aesthetic treatments will garner immediate results.
We are one of the leading teen skin specialists in the country and whilst there is no age limit on skin consultations, management and product advice; we can only perform some treatments after 16 and aesthetic procedures after 18. Please always get in touch to see how we can help you or your loved ones.
At Advanced Skin we don’t actually sell any products (so no, there is no “product push)!) This is because skin and it’s care is not a one size fits all scenario. Those who suffer with acne or rosacea may have other conditions too and a true skin specialist will be looking not just at the main complaint, but all factors and secondary issues. This will impact what active ingredients are recommended and what combinations of supporting ingredients, the amounts and the frequency of use.
With this in mind, in order to achieve the best results for our clients, we couldn’t possibly stock all of the combinations of products and ingredients to achieve tailored, personalised results; therefore, every recommendation we make is with you and your skin’s health in mind; not our bottom line!
Ready to book?
Please contact our reception on the clinic number or via any of our Social Media accounts.

Proven results
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Join us on Instagram @advancedskin_cheltenham