Infrared Sauna at Advanced Skin Cheltenham
An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared light to gently heat the body. They heat the body directly without heating the air inside the cabin. Infrared light is a safe form of heat energy and should not be confused with harmful UV rays. Infrared light is used to gently warm newborn babies in maternity wards. The light penetrates the skin and heats the body from the inside. They are a great way to heat the body right to the core and work up an intense sweat. Infrared saunas are affordable, compact, and convenient. They are highly energy-efficient compared to traditional Finnish saunas or steam rooms.
A multitude of benefits

What are the health benefits of Infrared Sauna?
The heat brought on by the infrared emitters can stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) or abrineurin. It is a protein that helps promote brain cell growth and this is currently showing incredible benefits for those at risk (or currently have) Dementia and Alzheimer’s. The increased circulation also supplies essential oxygen and nutrients leading to enhanced mental clarity, focus and memory.
With healthier brain function comes a greater production of endorphins and lower inflammatory markers which improve sleep, mental well being, alleviates chronic headaches and a gives better functioning immune system.
Because Infrared Light can penetrate to great depths and stimulate cellular function, it is able to increase blood flow to oxidise tissues and maximise immune function. This means it is able to benefit a multitude of chronic conditions from Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, MS to Thyroid Conditions, Diabetes, Insomnia and Alzheimer’s. The saunas are able to do this because the increased blood flow and heat activation of the immune cells stimulate white blood cell production. This allows for the recalibration of certain systems in the body such as endocrine and pancreatic malfunctions, or reducing inflammation. Whilst saunas cannot cure these conditions, they can alleviate many symptoms to allow sufferers to live a more comfortable life.
A great advantage of infrared sauna is that it’s great for a cardiovascular workout. In minutes, it will boost your heart rate and you’ll soon feel the benefits of increased levels of blood being pumped around your body. Recent research has shown great improvement in cardiovascular health and blood pressure, due to the use of the infrared saunas.
It’s also great for your skin’s health. The light supports collagen health as well as strengthening your immune system, so is beneficial for inflammatory conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and dermatitis. By supporting cellular renewal, it reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin tone and circulation whilst increasing immunity and natural protection.
Infrared saunas are great for relaxation. They have a soothing and calming effect on the mind and are a great way to unwind after a long day. Relaxation is an incredibly important part of our health; from immunity, to depression & anxiety and sleep.
The deep penetrating heat of an infrared sauna is great for stiff joints and sore muscle recovery. Infrared light heats the body to the core and is regularly used for joint, muscle and tendon pain relief. Olympic athletes use infrared saunas to aid recovery after competitions.
Infrared sauna is used to treat the symptoms of many chronic conditions including Lyme
Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis & Eczema, and many more. It has been proven to alleviate the symptoms of chronic pain, SAD disorder, Raynaud’s and Chronic Fatigue to name a few.
By increasing cardiovascular acƟvity, infrared saunas increase the conversion rate of fatty tissue to lean muscle, boosts calorie burn and can regulate fats and cholesterol. Because the heat (and sweat) is generated in the body, rather than the surrounding air, the weight loss is not down to dehydration, like in other saunas. Whilst the benefits of using Infrared Saunas are still being researched and studied, the above applications have been shown (so far) to be consistent in treatments, with continued data showing even more improvements to various conditions. However, it is worth noting that there have been zero negative effects shown in clinical trials and therefore, current recommendations from the scientific community is to utilise infrared saunas to support ongoing treatments and overall health.
Contraindications to sauna therapy include:
• Adrenal Suppression
• Recent Myocardial Infarction
• Unstable Angina Pectoris
• Severe Aortic Stenosis
• Alcoholism or recent alcohol consumption
• Heart Disease
• Kidney Disease
• Anaemia
• Pregnant Women should be monitored closely by a qualified healthcare professional
• Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
• Haemophiliacs
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