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Perioral Dermatitis

Perioral Dermatitis is the name given to dermatitis that presents around the mouth and usually appears as a scaly or red bumpy rash. In darker skin, the lesions may be hyperpigmented or brown.

Education and Care

Perioral Dermatitis is the name given to dermatitis that presents around the mouth and usually appears as a scaly or red bumpy rash. In darker skin, the lesions may be hyperpigmented or brown.

Often mistaken for acne {initially}, the bumps may contain fluid, so there may be a clear fluid discharge from the bumps. Slight itching and burning can also occur in the inflamed areas and will eventually look more rash-esq as time progresses.

Whilst most common in women over 25; the condition can occur in all ethnicities and ages – with flares often occurring after changing products used in the area (eg toothpaste, make ups, face creams etc) that have high quantities of perfumes, SLS’s or other irritating ingredients. Other causes can include stress, hormonal imbalances, allergies, topical steroids, corticosteroids, petroleum jelly and paraffins etc.

Perioral dermatitis is rather difficult to treat and can last for months; with the condition getting worse before it improves and in some cases, perioral dermatitis may become chronic. Unfortunately, the cause is still not fully understood and therefore, there isn’t a foolproof way to avoid getting it. However, a good rule of thumb is to protect your skin from the elements (spf, extreme weather etc), be gentle with your skin; use good quality products with minimal irritation and limit strong perfumes or pure essential oils.

If you suspect you have Perioral Dermatitis, always speak with a trusted skin specialist for advice on the correct care and in some instances, medications may be require.

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