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What is Vitamin C?

Ascorbic Acid or L-Ascorbic Acid is also known as Vitamin C and is a superstar product that is known for its proven antioxidant properties, anti-aging benefits, brightening skin tone and significantly improving hydration.

Education and Care

Ascorbic Acid or L-Ascorbic Acid is also known as Vitamin C and is a superstar product that is known for its proven antioxidant properties, anti-aging benefits, brightening skin tone and significantly improving hydration.

It is an important ingredient in creating younger and firmer looking skin, whilst it strengthens the skin barrier and evens out skin tone. This miracle vitamin is one of the few proven ways to support collagen synthesis (both topically and dietary) as well as help prevent and treat hyperpigmentation, also boosting the effects of other topical antioxidants!

It is SO beneficial because it aids in your skin’s natural regeneration process, which helps your body repair damaged skin cells. Being highly acidic, when used topically the skin is triggered to heal itself by accelerating the production of collagen and elastin. Once applied to the skin it is immediately absorbed, cannot be washed off and will remain in the skin for up to 72 hours.

Ascorbic Acid works at a cellular level to “reweave” the skin fibers, building and binding the cells together, resulting in smoother, healthier skin. But that’s not all, it’s also able to inhibit your skin’s melanin production, which is what causes skin discoloration like dark spots and gives added protection from UV radiation! When combined with other antioxidants, it can double the benefits of each ingredient, increase penetration and stabilise the ingredients!

Vitamin C can be highly unstable. It needs to be stored correctly, it is highly light and heat sensitive and can oxidise easily! Being water soluble, it becomes unstable in any water formulations and in light it degrades! So storage and formulation is incredibly important when dealing with this powerhouse!

Medical Grade Products ensure you are getting the full benefit, the right storage, pH balance and that it stays “active”. Many OTC products may advertise the inclusion of Vitamin C, but the formulation, percentage and storage render it inactive.

(Please note that being highly acidic, it can irritate sensitive skins & can often require a slow introduction into a routine!)

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