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Toasted Skin Syndrome

Toasted skin syndrome or erythema ab igne is a skin condition that forms after prolonged exposure to a strong heat source. The reason people with chronic pain will often suffer is due to the regular use of hot water bottles and heat pads to relieve discomfort.

Education and Care

We have many #endowarriors in our little community, including our very own Amber! So we thought we would address a common issue sufferers face – in fact most people with chronic pain conditions will also recognise this issue…

Toasted skin syndrome or erythema ab igne is a skin condition that forms after prolonged exposure to a strong heat source. The reason people with chronic pain will often suffer is due to the regular use of hot water bottles and heat pads to relieve discomfort.

Toasted skin syndrome starts off appearing as a lacy or net-like (reticulated) discoloration of the skin. Initially presenting as a transient pink or red colour initially but may eventually become a greyish brown discoloration if the heat exposure continues.

The reason the skin becomes mottled, rather than burned, is because the heat source (whilst extremely hot) is not of a scolding temperature. The prolonged exposure causes changes to the elastic fibers that make up your skin, as well as changes to the microscopic blood vessels that live at the skin’s surface.

The skin affected should return to normal with time and chronic sufferers may find it takes months to fully heal. However, if the toasted skin syndrome is severe and the skin darkly pigmented and atrophic; resolution is unlikely.*

The only true way to reduce or stop toasted skin syndrome altogether is to remove the heat source or limit the exposure. You can also utilise topical assistance which a trusted skin specialist can assist you with.

Common causes are hot water bottles or heat pads, space heaters, fires, laptops or gaming consoles.

*If there is a persistent pattern, sore that doesn’t heal or a growing lump within the rash, a skin biopsy should be performed to rule out the possibility of skin cancer.

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