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Eye Creams

In the never ending quest to reduce bags, people are willing to spend up to a small fortune on a product that promises the world, but we are here to tell you whether it’s worth the money…

Education and Care

The most common skin care question we get asked is about eye cream – due to peoples ongoing hate of dark eye circles!

In the never ending quest to reduce bags, people are willing to spend up to a small fortune on a product that promises the world, but we are here to tell you the bad news; no matter the cost or claims, they’re false promises and unfortunately, not worth the hefty price tag!

We know this seems like a radical claim and you LOVE your eye cream, you couldn’t live without it… but let us explain why!

In order to correct dark eye circles, you need to understand what causes them in the first place. The main culprits are genetics, thin skin, volume loss (either in the tear troughs or cheeks), pigmentation or dehydration. Most of these issues cannot be corrected via a miracle cream, it’s just fact.

Loss of volume can be corrected through dermal fillers, lines with Botox or plasma and pigmentation with certain actives or lasers. However here is the nuance, if you have a cleanser/serum/moisturiser with the necessary actives already, you wouldn’t need a separate eye cream! This is why it’s important to be using a personalised targeted active routine, however this doesn’t have to be expensive! In fact, you could have an entire routine that addresses all of your personal complaints for less that one of those very expensive, miracle, eye creams.

The ingredients lists and miraculous formula advertised seem brilliant and sound very impressive, however, in reality, these are all scientific terms for emulsifiers, emollients, hydrators, silicones, proteins and sunscreen!

These Ingredients are essentially designed to be water-binding agents that keep the skin from drying out whilst protecting it from dehydration. Just like any other hydrator, facial oil or moisturiser. There is nothing miraculous or life changing about these ingredients and by essentially adding hydration, bags can “appear” slightly better and lines less prominent, but there is nothing exceptional enough included to warrant the ridiculous price tags and you certainly don’t need an expensive eye cream if you are using the correct active routine.

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