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Vitamin A / Retinol

Vitamin A or Retinol as its commonly called in skin care, is your true super hero topical product and the one we personally believe everybody should be using.*

Education and Care

Vitamin A or Retinol as its commonly called in skin care, is your true super hero topical product and the one we personally believe everybody should be using.*

It is highly effective in reversing sun damage and signs of ageing; it decreases fine lines, evens skin colour, improves texture, tightens pores, and stimulates blood flow, collagen production and encourages skin cell turnover!

It is one of the best ingredients for those who suffer with acne as it soothes irritation, kills bacteria, removes the dead cells that are blocking the pores and decreases the chance of scarring.

As you know, we a big advocates of using SPF DAILY! But once you incorporate Retinol into your routine this should be a MUST; Vitamin A increases cell turnover and this new skin is delicate and more susceptible to sun damage. This is why Retinol should only be found in products intended for night use.

What worries us is that retinol is now in used in moisturisers, foundations, lipsticks, sunscreens and cleansers, especially those that are touted as “anti-aging.” But in daytime products, retinol will have the opposite effect and actually make skin age faster because it is more susceptible to the sun, no matter the amount of SPF protection promised on the foundation or sunscreen. This two-in-one approach of anti-aging sunscreens and foundations is just not a good idea an in many cases will have the opposite effect and make you age faster!

Before incorporating this superhero into your routine, please liaise with a specialist as it will need to be introduced slowly to avoid irritation. You will also need advice on strength and whether creams or serums will work best for your skin type!

*retinol, like all vitamin A derivatives, is NOT recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. That includes all skin care products, even serums and night creams.

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